Frontend Development Articles

What is the Difference between a .js and .jsx File in React?

What is the Difference between a .js and .jsx File in React?

A JavaScript and JSX file are not exactly the same thing. There's one notable difference between them you can learn of in this article.

May 23, 2023

What is the HTML Role Attribute?

What is the HTML Role Attribute?

The role attribute is an important aspect of accessibility. Reading more about it in this article.

Dec 23, 2022

Next Cloudinary – How to Integrate Cloudinary with Your Next.js Project

Next Cloudinary – How to Integrate Cloudinary with Your Next.js Project

Learn to streamline image uploads and management in Next.js projects using Cloudinary for optimized media handling.
Next JS Data Fetching: How to Fetch Data in a React Server Component

Next JS Data Fetching: How to Fetch Data in a React Server Component

Fetch data in React server components with Next.js for improved performance and SEO optimization
How to Import a JSON File in JavaScript

How to Import a JSON File in JavaScript

Learn how to import a JSON file in JavaScript, handle common errors, and explore a practical alternative.
The CSS var() Function – How to Create and Use CSS Variables

The CSS var() Function – How to Create and Use CSS Variables

Yes. You can declare and reuse variables in CSS by reading this article.

Dec 28, 2022